
Crochet Wallet written pattern

This wallet is made with many color of  cotton yarns.I am using crochet hook size 3.5 mm .Take foundation chains-30+1=31 chains. Turn over and make 1 chain count as a first single crochet.make 1 single crochet in every stitch.Turn over make 3 ch count as a first dc.make 1 dc(double crochet) in every stitch.Turn over 1 sc in every stitch. repeat this pattern in 10th row. Fold in equal size and sew it.with crochet the bottom part make 4 ch skip 3 stitch make 1 sc. repeat it only bottom side. For upper part.attach another color yarn make 5 dc in between middle part of the round 1sc in every st. 2dc 2ch in next stitch. 1sc in next row in every stitch.repeat 2dc 1ch 2dc in next row.turn over 1sc in every stitch. 3dc 3ch go to the 3rd ch from ur hook make slip stitch.3 more dc in same space. go to the next space make 1 sc. repeat this pattern. attach one button in middle of the purse. Happy Hooking ZEBA TASNIM